라만분광법의 결과 해석좀 도와주세요.

2015-11-20 14:05
그래프를 올릴수가 없는데 어떤목적으로 했는지, 왜 라만분광법을 찍었는지 모르겠습니다.
논문 제목은 The production of carbon materials by hydrothermal carbonization of cellulose입니다.

In order to check the presence of aromatic structures in
the hydrochar products, Raman spectroscopy analysis was
performed. The Raman spectrum obtained for the CE-4
hydrochar sample is presented in Fig. 5a. For purposes of
comparison, the same figure shows the spectrum obtained
for the CE-4 sample carbonized at 800 C (1h, N2 atmosphere).
Both spectra are characteristic of carbonized materials
 [39,40] and they differ completely from that of the
cellulose (see inset of Fig. 5a). Thus, the carbonized samples
exhibit two broad overlapping bands at around 1360 (D-mode)
and 1587 (G-mode) cm1, which reveal the presence of C sp2
atoms in benzene or condensed benzene rings of amorphous
 (partially hydrogenated) carbon [41,42]. Small aromatic clusters
must therefore be present in the hydrochar samples.
This corroborates the presence of aromatic structures in the
hydrochar materials and in turn confirms the results deduced
by FTIR.

  • tSailor ()

    Tor eveal the presence of C sp2
    atoms in benzene or condensed benzene rings of amorphous
     (partially hydrogenated) carbon.



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