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저랑 같이 일하던 보스가 회사그만두게 된 뒤에 보내온 유머

페이지 정보

김덕양 작성일2002-09-27 05:29


Lucent/Agere 에서 일하는(던) 사람들 지난 두해동안 가슴 콩당콩당 하면서 살았죠. 앞으로도 계속 그러겠지만. -_-;;;

Last night while I lay sleeping,
I died or so it seems.
Then I went to heaven
But t'was only in my dreams.

But, it seems St. Peter met me,
There at the pearly gate.
He said, "I must check your record
So stand right here and wait.

I see where you drank whiskey,
And used tobacco, too.
Fact is you've done everything
That a good person shouldn't do.

We can't have people like you up here,
Your life was full of sin.
Then he read the last of my record,
Grasped my hand and said, "Come in."

He took me up to the Big Boss,
Said "Take him in and treat him well"
He worked for a Telecommunications company, sir.
He's had his share of hell.

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  마지막 부분에 급소가 있군여. ㅋㅋㅋ

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  살아서 이미 지옥의 고통을 겪었으니 곧바로 천국행???


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