미국 주들의 재정난?

2003-05-22 12:38
어제 제가 있는 미네소타 주가 Higher Education 에서 무려 15% 나 삭감을 했습니다. 주가 재정 파산에 이르렀으니, 뭘 못하겠냐만은, 걱정들 인가 봅니다. 얼마전에 전화 통화 한 뉴햄프셔 대학의 한 교수도 비슷한 걱정을 하던데...

여러주들이 비슷한 걱정을 하는걸 보니, 진짜 걱정 이긴 하지만, 또 선거가 다가 오니, 그 전에 반짝 좋아 질수도 있을꺼 같기도 하고.. 그러고 보니 내년이 벌써 미국 대통령 선거네요.

Times of high anxiety in the land of higher education

St. Paul, Minn. — The 2004-05 higher education budget is leaning toward Robert Bruininks' worst expectations. The University of Minnesota's president calls the $196 million cut very severe.

"Our budget will return to what it was roughly five years ago, in 1998. And if you adjust the budget from the state for inflation, using a very very modest correction, this takes us back to funding levels in 1986. So these are very deep, deep, cuts," he said.

Bruininks says he will be recommending tuition increases ranging from about 13 to 15 percent, varying by campus and program.

Anne Meehan is about to start a masters program in elementary education at the U. She says she'll try to manage the cost increase through student loans. She says she's angry about the cuts in state funding that will require her to pay higher tuition. This is the third double-digit tuition increase at the public colleges in as many years.

"I think that they always go for the people who have no voice. I mean, the students, there's not really an organization that's protecting the students as a whole. So, who's going to fight for the students? Certainly the people who have already gone to school could care less about what the tuition is because they want the money for other wasteful spending," she said.

Sen. Sandy Pappas, DFL-St. Paul, shares Meehan's outrage. As chair of the Senate's Higher Education Budget Committee, she and other DFLers refused to sign off on the bill.

"By forcing these cuts you're going to see less sections available, larger class sizes. So you're going to be in a situation where students are paying more and getting less."

House Higher Education Finance Chair Doug Stang is more optimistic. The Republican from Cold Spring says the 15 percent decrease is still $10 million more than Gov. Tim Pawlenty's proposal. And he says the cuts should force a reassessment of how the U of M and the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System are run.

"Even at times when we made significant investments with new dollars, there were increased tuitions at very high rates. So, I think we're at a point where we have to acknowledge that we cannot continue to do it the way that we have been doing, that changes have to be made throughout the system. Maybe it's a matter of prioritizing programs, maybe it's a matter of determining that we can't offer every program at every campus," Stang said.

The U of M's Robert Bruininks and MnSCU Chancellor James McCormick both say they've been working hard and creatively to reduce costs on campus. They say there will be cuts to programs, staff and faculty.

Maybe it's a matter of determining that we can't offer every program at every campus.
- Rep. Doug Stang

McCormick says while closing any of MnSCU's 53 campuses is not in the short-term planning, it could become at least part of a future answer to a lack of state funding.

"What we've discovered is that closing a campus has a devastating impact on the community where the campus is located. Of course, the other issue is that some students may not be able to attend college at all if the nearby campus closes. So it's a serious matter, but I think given these circumstances, all of these options have to be considered."

MnSCU's 15 percent biennial cut translates into a drop of $189 million. McCormick says, like the U, there will be tuition increases throughout the MnSCU system in the 15 percent range. But, he says that bump in revenue won't cover the system's deficit brought on by the drop in state funding.

There is a mixed blessing in the new funding bill. The state financial aid grant program was given a $40 million increase. The problem though, all sides agree, is that amount won't even come close to assisting all the students who'll need help covering the 15 percent tuition increase.

  • Simon ()

      물가 상승, inflation 등을 감안할 때 실제로 1986년 수준으로 되돌아가는 재정이 된다 . . .

  • Simon ()

      따라서, 학생들이 자비로 돈은 더 많이 내야하고 학교로 부터 배우고 얻게 되는 것은 더 적어 질 것이다...흠?

  • 정문식 ()

      그래도 과학기술인들을 비롯한 한국의 인재들은 미국을 '희망의 땅'으로 여기고 있는데, 미국조차 그런 식으로 돌아간다니(들려 오는 소식에 의하면 유럽 대학들도 고액의 등록금을 부과하기 시작하는 등, 교육 재정이 갈수록 어려워지고 있다고 합니다...) 이대로 가다간 큰일이겠군여... 주제에 벗어난 이야기 같지만 "'자유시장'이 너희를 '자유'케 하리라"는 신자유주의라는 이데올로기가 얼마나 기만적인가를 여실히 나타내 주는 것 같습니다. '삶의 질'이 떨어지는데, 성장이니 풍요니 하는 레토릭들이 무슨 의미가 있겠습니까?

  • 김덕양 ()

      이런 판에 세금 깎아주겠다고 난리치는 인간이 대통령이거든요. ㅋㅋ

  • 준형 ()

      우선 문제중 하나가, 지금 당선된 주지사의 공약이 세금을 올리지 않는다는 거였는데, 이렇게 되면, 올리느만 못하다는 얘기도 나오니..

  • 관전평 ()

      희망의 땅이라... 저도 요즘은 생각이 엇갈립니다.  제가 여기서 하고 싶었던 얘기는 미국이 아니라 한국을 희망의 땅으로 만들어야한다는 것이었는 데, 놈현을 보니 희망이 과연 있는 건지 걱정이 되네요. 제가 남들이 말하는 것처럼 쉽게  지지하고, 쉽게 돌아서는 냄비인 걸까요?

  • Simon ()

      관전평님...저도 비슷한 생각입니다. 다만 좀 기다려 보시죠. 이제 겨우 석달인데...하지만 처음 석달이 참 중요하죠, 사실. 정말 시기적으로 중요한 때인데...걱정이 많습니다. 분열 사분오열, 그리고 ... ?

  • 준형 ()

      이런 비슷한 재정 문제를 겪는 주가 미국에 40개나 된다는군요, -_- 올해 유학 준비 하시는 분들 쉽지는 않을지도 모르겠네요.

evolution = difference ?


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