[re] Quantum Chemistry 이란..

2003-03-09 14:01
제가 아는 만큼만 써보겠습니다. 먼저 Quantum Chemistry 존재 합니다. Physical Chemistry 의 꽃(?) 이라고 말 할수 있는 분야입니다. 간단하게 말해서 Quantum Chemistry 는 Schrödinger Equation 를 푸는 거랍니다.

아래는 International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 설명 하는 Quantum Chemistry 입니다.

Quantum Chemistry has its origin in the study of the covalent bond of the hydrogen molecule by Heitler and London in 1927. This field of study falls between the traditional areas of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and molecular biology. With the advent of computers, Quantum Chemistry rapidly developed into an independent and thriving area of study.

Quantum Chemistry is a discipline concerned with the quantum mechanical description of the structure and dynamics of atoms, molecules, and condensed matter. Quantum Chemistry embodies theoretical studies and computer simulations of atomic and molecular systems and their interactions. The Quantum Chemists have contributed to the progress of new theoretical fields in chemical physics, chemistry, and the material sciences and have in turn been energized by these disciplines. Recent developments in molecular biology also call for new applications where quantum mechanical components interface with molecular mechanics and phenomenological modeling. This interdisciplinary character of research in Quantum Chemistry places it at the intersection of the well-established sciences of physics, chemistry, and biology.

  • Simon ()

      Thanks !

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