[참고]Parthenogenesis > 펀글토론방

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-_-; 작성일2006-01-11 07:17


'Virgin birth' method promises ethical stem cells

* 09:30 28 April 2003
* Exclusive from New Scientist Print Edition
* Sylvia Pagán Westphal, Boston

The phenomenon that leads to "virgin births" in some species looks like a promising source of embryonic stem cells. Researchers are on the brink of obtaining human stem cells this way for the first time, and animal experiments suggest such cells are indistinguishable from normal stem cells.

In parthenogenesis, an unfertilised egg keeps two sets of chromosomes and begins developing as if it had been fertilised. Some insects and reptiles can reproduce this way but even though an electric or chemical stimulus can induce parthenogenesis in mammals, the resulting embryos die after a few days.

And that, according to its proponents, is the beauty of the technique as far as stem cells are concerned: it produces embryos that could never become human beings. So destroying these embryos to obtain stem cells would avoid the ethical concerns that have led to restrictions or bans on embryonic stem cell research in many countries.

However, while the technique works in mice and monkeys (New Scientist print edition, 26 October 2001), attempts with human eggs have not got far. Until now, that is. A team led by fertility specialist David Wininger at biotech firm Stemron of Maryland has grown parthenogenetic human embryos to the blastocyst stage, at which stem cells can be obtained. Cells taken from one of the embryos survived for a few days (Stem Cells, vol 21, p 152).

"It's the first time I know of parthenogenetic cells in humans," says Kent Vrana of Wake Forest University School of Medicine in North Carolina, whose team pioneered the work in monkeys.
Indefinite growth

The next step is to get the cells to grow in culture indefinitely: that is, to obtain a stem cell line. In monkeys, such a cell line has been growing for over two years, and it makes the human experiments all the more relevant.

According to Vrana, extensive analysis of the monkey cells suggests that they are indistinguishable from normal embryonic stem cells. "They are identical to ESCs by every known criterion we have tested," he says, adding that details will soon be published in a peer-reviewed journal.

A lot of work still has to be done to ensure any tissues made from parthenogenetic stem cells are absolutely normal, says Jerry Hall of the Institute for Reproductive Medicine and Genetics in Los Angeles. But he is optimistic. "Patients are so interested in this procedure, and we are confident enough in its feasibility, that we have been willing to store eggs for use as soon as safety and effectiveness is shown," he says.

Since eggs are needed to make parthenogenetic stem cells, one potential problem is that the technique could not be used to make matching stem cells for men or for women after menopause. Therapeutic cloning, by contrast, could provide matching stem cells for any individual.

However, because cells made by parthenogenesis have two identical sets of chromosomes, rather than one set each from the father and the mother, they have less variation in the surface proteins on cells that can trigger immune reactions. Wininger thinks it will possible to establish a bank of parthenogenetic stem cells that could provide cells to suit most individuals. And such banks would be much cheaper than creating stem cells from scratch for each individual.

댓글 3

-_-;님의 댓글


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  네.. 그렇죠.. 조사위에서도 밝혔듯이 지금 이 현상에 대한 명확한 과학적 설명을 내놓는다는 것은 어려운 것으로 생각됩니다. 그러나 제대로 된 줄기세포도 아니고 저자들이 지명한 체세포 제공자와는 관련이 없으며 미성숙된 난자를 이용한 마이너리그에서 발생한 것이기 때문에 저자들이 논문에서 주장한 것과는 전혀 다른 것이고 논문은 조작된 것이다라고 결론을 내리면 되는 것이죠... 어떻게 그런 것이 발생했는지를 알아내는 것은 그 당시 그 현상을 보았던 과학자들의 몫이었을텐데 그들은 그런 것에는 관심이 없었으니 지금 달랑 DNA지문 하나만 가지고 추론을 해보는 것은 추론 그 이상의 의미는 없는 것이겠지요..

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