Report card on Israeli education: F / 이스라엘 교육 정책의 성적표는? 낙제...

2003-07-09 12:49

Israeli schoolchildren received a low ranking on reading comprehension, mathematics and sciences among western nations, a recently released international comparison study reported on Tuesday. Israeli education officials said they plan to conduct internal investigations into the causes of the poor results and promote programming to help middle school students improve their skills.

A survey of the Programme for International Student Assessment, conducted jointly by UNESCO and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and considered "the most comprehensive and rigorous international effort to date" to assess student performance, tested between 4,500-10,000 10th grade students in 41 countries and evaluated the students' abilities to contend with problems in areas like reading comprehension, math and science, fundamental to their becoming functional members of modern society.

In reading comprehension, Israel ranked 30th. The category was led by Finland, Canada and New Zealand, with the United States in 16th place. In mathematics, Israel ranked 31st, with Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea taking top marks. Canada was listed 7th, and the U.S. was listed 20th in math. In the sciences, Israel ranked even lower, in 33rd place. The top marks went to South Korea, Japan and Hong Kong, with Canada in 6th place and the U.S. in 15th place.

Only students from Latin American countries, Bulgaria and Albania received consistently lower marks than Israeli students in the international survey.

Professor Zemira Mavrech of Bar-Ilan University, who conducted the study in Israel, admitted her disappointment in the results. "Obviously my eyes darkened when I saw the results. But there are no decisive gaps between males and females in contrast to international standards. In addition, despite low reading achievement, Israeli students were successful at more difficult tasks requiring decision making skills, and failed at more simple tasks of identifying information. This is a gap we can easily narrow," Mavrech said.

On the positive side, Mavrech said that Israeli school enrollment rates are high, dropout rates are low, and students expressed strong feelings of connection to their schools. "Israeli youth and teachers feel good at school and whoever feels good succeeds at his studies. Unfortunately the economic climate does not broadcast a desire to achieve... We must communicate to students that there is no task too difficult and that they should never give up," Mavrech stated.

In the international survey, Israel was ranked first for poor attendance records, with 60% of the students involved in the study missing between one to five days of school in the two-week period prior to testing. Israel was also found to have large achievement differences between students based on their economic backgrounds.

Education Minister Limor Livnat said she planned to thoroughly investigate the reasons for the low Israeli ranking "We are working hard to identify the reasons for the problems and are determined to act to repair them through joint efforts between professional and public bodies," she stated. Livnat cited several experimental programs recently implemented for middle school students including a new Hebrew phonetics approach and increasing the number of hours of math studied a week.

Ronit Tirosh, director-general of the Ministry of Education, admitted that Israeli education is facing a serious crisis and suggested re-evaluating the middle school system. "Since the 1960s no one has checked how the middle schools are functioning. We plan to set up a committee to check if the schools should be shut down and we should return to the old system of eight years of elementary schools and four years of high school," Tirsoh said.

Director of the Teachers Union Yossi Wasserman said he was not surprised by the dismal results and stressed the importance of improving conditions for educators. "The first step has to be the advancement of teachers in order to create a situation where the most talented youth are recruited into the field," he said.

Chairman of the Knesset Education Committee MK Ilan Shalgi (Shinui) said he planned to launch a parliamentary committee to check into the results of the study. "The achievements of Israeli students on the international test reveal a serious failure of the education system. It is impossible to accept that despite the large budgetary investments in education, the students ranked so low among the world's developing nations," he said.

  • MacGyver ()

      이걸 어떤 문제나 방법으로 측정했는지 모르겠는데, 이것만 가지고 이스라엘 교육에 문제가 있다고 판단하기는 힘들거 같습니다. 올해 Turing Award 수상자를 보면 RSA cryptography algorithm을 개발한 3명이 받았는데요. 그 중 S에 해당하는 Adi Shamir는 Weizmann에서 석박사한 아저씨임다. 이번 Turing Award는 Weizmann으로서는 두번째고 이스라엘로서는 3번째라고 합니다. 중학교때 얼마나 잘했는지는 그리 중요한거 같지 않습니다. 울나라 중학교 야구팀과 미국 야구팀싸우면 울나라가 콜드겜으로 이깁니다. 프로가면 울나라 프로야구는 마이너리그 더블에이정도 수준밖에 안 된다고 하는데...커가면서 못하는거 이거 원인이 뭔지 찾아서 고쳐야 합니다.

  • MacGyver ()

      기본을 중시하고, 기초를 닦기보다 문제풀이 테크닉에 기인한 결과가 아닌가 합니다. 야구에서도 기초체력과 바른자세등 기본기가 중요한데 직구도 제대로 못던지는 애들한테 커브, 포크볼, 슬라이더 막 던지게 가르친다고 커서 야구 잘하는거 아니잖아요. 미국 고등학교 야구팀 애들중에 슬라이더를 던질줄 아는 애들이 그리 많지 않다고 하던데여...

  • 준형 ()

      아, 저도 같은 생각 입니다. 초등학교, 중학교때는 세계 최고의 수준을 자랑 하다가 왜 상급학교로 갈수록 X 판이 되는지, 그 원인을 찾아서 고칠수 있다면, 우리나라 좋은 나라가 되겠죠^^



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