[미국]Industry praises passage of bill to boost NSF funding > 타분야진출

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[미국]Industry praises passage of bill to boost NSF funding

페이지 정보

관전평 작성일2002-12-05 04:47


이렇게 퍼와도 되는 건 지 모르겠네요.  한국은 과학재단 내년 예산이 어떻게 되어가고 있나요?

Industry praises passage of bill to boost NSF funding
By Margaret Quan
EE Times
December 3, 2002 (12:17 p.m. EST)

WASHINGTON - Electronics industry associations praised the passage by the U.S. Senate of the National Science Foundation Authorization Act of 2002, which raises the budget of the National Science Foundation by 15 percent in each of the next three fiscal years. The increases will essentially double the NSF's annual budget from present levels to $9.84 billion by fiscal year 2007.

The Senate passed the bill, HR4664, on Nov. 14 and sent it to President Bush on Nov. 26. The president is expected to sign the bill into law within 10 days.

The IEEE-USA, an association that represents the interests of U.S. engineers, said passage of the bill is good news for industry and will help create engineering jobs. The IEEE-USA has supported the bill since its introduction by House Science Committee member Nick Smith (R-Mich.) in May 2002.

"NSF funds cutting-edge research in engineering and computing that are of tremendous value and interest to U.S. IEEE members, and ultimately beneficial to all Americans," said IEEE-USA president LeEarl Bryant. "These funds will help maintain a viable U.S. technology work force, which is critical to our nation's economic competitiveness and security."

HR4664 also authorizes the President's Math and Science Education Partnership Program for elementary and secondary schools; new research into plant biotechnology; and a technical talent program to improve undergraduate math and science education and address the declining technical work force.

The programs will help NSF address new challenges in the areas of information technology, nanotechnology and homeland security, said Ralph W. Wyndrum, vice president for technology policy for IEEE-USA. They "could help offset the recent declines in Defense Department support for electrical and electronics-related research at universities," he said.

The NSF is the government's premier research agency supporting 46 percent of the basic engineering research performed at U.S. universities and colleges, helping train more than 25,000 graduate students each year.

댓글 2

준형님의 댓글


  출처만 있으면 퍼와도 안 될 이유가 있을까요?

닐리리님의 댓글


  봅시다. $9.8B 면 얼마야.. 10조원이 넘는 군요. 약 $10B 로 25,000명의 대학원생을 양성한다면, 대학원생 1명 양성 하는데, 1년에 $400,000 (5억원)의 예산이 책정된다는 이야기군. 과학재단은 2002년 2,000천억원 수준에서 2006년 6000천억원 수준으로 확대를 목표로 한다는데, 이 정도 면 적당한 건가 부족한건가? 내 계산이 맞나?



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