[re] 미국에서 일하는 포닥들의 실상 by Oasis > 타분야진출

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[re] 미국에서 일하는 포닥들의 실상 by Oasis

페이지 정보

김시내 작성일2002-03-06 14:29


>나이때문에 자르면 그회사는 곧 망한다고 보시면 되겠습니다. 왜냐하면 그 회사는 곧 그 자른 노인으로 부터 천문학적인 금액의 (몇천만 단위의 달러) 손해 배상을 청구 받게되고 대부분 회사가 지게 되어 있습니다.

I would like to add one more thing that I observed in our company.
When an employee is fired, the company can be very mean. They do not give any time to finish up jobs. They just kick out an employee on the same day they gave notice. (I think it's because they are afraid that the employee would do harm to the company before he or she leaves.)
In California, where there are a lot of high tech and biotech companies, I heard that a company can fire an employee with any reason unless it's related to racism, harrassment, or sexual discrimination. (There might be more reasons than these, but I am not sure.) Unless the reason is one of above, the fired employee cannot sue the company.
Other states in the U.S. might be different. This is true in California.


P.S. I am sorry. I can't write Korean at home PC.

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