What Do You Do at Work?

뭘 봐?
2002-07-15 10:27
By Robert W. Lucky, IEEE Spectrum July 2002.

The other night at some dinner function, I was seated next to a stranger who I soon discovered was a professional auctioneer. He asked what I did for a living, and I replied that I was an engineer. We spent the next two hours talking about how he managed auctions. Never once did he ask what I did as an engineer.

Unfortunately, this absence of interest in learning more about what engineers do on their jobs is typical. Through the years of my career, I have been to countless social events in my local community. On those occations I have met strangers, acquaintances, and old friends, and the comulative hours of conversation could be measured perhaps in years. But in all those conversations, I cannot recall a single time when someone not also in engineering ever asked me about what I do on my job. Not once! Friends and acquaintances know I'm an engineer, and never ask about my work. Strangers ask my occupation, and discovering that I am an engineer, invariably ask nothing further.

This indifference even seems to invade hte family itself. I recall a ceremony some years ago when I passed out awards at a company dinner. To lighten the occasion, I had hte idea of asking the spouse of each winner for their own description of what their mate did at work. Not a single one of  them had a clue. Worse, I got the feeling that they really didn't care all that much. I never did anything like that again - too big a risk to take. I saw some husbands and wives glancing at each other in strange ways afterwards.

I began thinking about this conversational black hole, and I considered whehter or not I myself ask ohter people what they do at work. My answer was that sometimes I do, but that often I don't, and that it is entirely dependent upon the particular occupation. So let me give you the quiz I gave myself. Imagine that you're at a party, and that you strike up a conversation with a stranger who confesses to one of the following occupations: high school teacher, lawyer, surgeon, artist, local store owner, insurance salesperson, real estate agent, CEO of a large company, middle manager, accountant, or mirine biologist. This is a test - which people do you ask further questions about their work?

The correct (that is, my own) answers are that I ask further questions of the high school teacher, the artist, the store owner, the realestate agent, the CEO, and the biologist. For the rest(lowyer, surgeon, insurance salesman, middle manager, and accountant), I change the topic of conversation. Probably each of these people thinks he or she has a fascinating job, but I'm just not all that interested. I think there are two factors to consider: is the work potentially interesting, and do I have enough general knowledge about the subject to carry on a reasonable conversation? I am afraid that for the general public, engineering fail both of these tests.

These days I have a lot better exposure to what other people do on their jobs than I did in past years. When I'm trapped on trains and at airports, I hear people doing their work via cellphones. They usually speak in very loud and important voices, and it is almost impossible to ignore them. These conversations are seldom boring. They are much worse than that. On an interest scale, they go negative way past boring into the region of offensiveness.

Often it is as if the speaker has read in some business-school book about how real business people are supposed to sound, and is trying to impress the overhearing public with his own acumen. I think how I would hate to be on the other end of the conversation, and how little I would be tempted at a party to ask further about this particular business.

Are we engineers really so boring? Is out work so devoid of interest, or so obscure, that no one wants to hear about it? My frustration is that I really believe engineering is intrinsically interesting, and that most engineers have job-related stries worth hearing. Lots of exciting things are always happening in technology - doesn't anyone care to hear about them?

But maybe the rest of you get asked all the time about what you do at work. I'd hate to think I'm the only one who isn't asked, but perhaps I'm just the Rodney Dangerfield of engineering. What about you? Do strangers inquire about your work, or do we just have to take turns telling each other about what we're doing?

  • 배성원 ()

      저희 나라만 그런줄 알았는데 미국도 아니나 다를까...군요. 거기도 이공계 기피가 사회문제라니 정말 별 차이가 없군요.

  • 배성원 ()

      전세계적으로 이공계라면 일단 무관심해지는게 '인지상정' 인가 봐요?

  • 배성원 ()

      연구대상입니다. 왜 사람들이..심지어 내 아내까지...그렇게 무관심 할까????????

  • nh ()

      저희 나라가 아니라 우리나라~~

  • 정문식 ()

      한국의 이공계 기피 현상이 세계적인 차원에서 보면 유별난 현상이긴 하지만, 아무튼 전 세계적인 현상이라는 것은 분명한 사실인 것 같습니다. 제 생각이지만, 전 세계적인 차원에서 이공계 기피 현상이 일어나는 것은 사상적인 차원에서 보아야 할 것 같습니다. 1989년 냉전 종식 이후로 근, 현대 사회의 패러다임이었던 계몽 사상-그것이 자유주의이건 사회주의이건 간에-이 예전과 같은 무소 불위의 위력을 잃어버린 것이 일단의 이유가 될 것 같고, 이러한 세계적 분위기에 밀려 예전과 같은 진지하고 과학적, 논리적, 보편적인 사고보다는 감각적, 쾌락적, 찰나적인 사고가 지배하게 된 것도 한 요인이 되지 않을까 생각합니다.(이른바 '포스트모더니즘'이 그러한 사조를 대표하고 있져...) 그리고 '이성'이 쇠퇴한 빈 자리에

  • 정문식 ()

      이른바 '신자유주의'라는 황금만능주의 논리가 그 자리를 차지하게 된 것이 더욱 상황을 악화시켰다고 봅니다. ('신자유주의'의 이론가인 하이예크는 '합리주의'니 '과학'이니 하는 것들이 '전체주의'로 가는 길이라면서 아주 싫어했져... 전에 한겨레신문의 칼럼니스트 고종석 씨와의 인터뷰 기사에서 본 것인데 실제로 하이예크는 '황금만능주의 사회는 사회악이 아니다'라는 알쏭달쏭한 '화두'를 남겼다고 하더군여...) 그리고 이와는 다른 이야기지만 1968년 학생혁명 이후 미국과 소련 간의 무한 핵 군비경쟁, 환경 오염, 과학기술을 이용한 강대국의 제국주의적 횡포, 기술 발달에 따른 관료화와 비인간화 등 과학에 대해 부정적인 측면이 강조되면서 이공계가 '사회악'으로 지탄을 받았던 사회 분위기도 한 몫 하지

  • 정문식 ()

      않았나 생각됩니다. 아무튼 전 세계적인 이공계 기피 현상은 근, 현대 사회의 패러다임이었던 '합리주의'의 위기와 맥을 같이 하며 동시에 '인문학의 위기'와도 상당한 연관성이 있는 것 같습니다. (사상사적으로 볼 때 르네상스 이후로 18세기 백과전서파에 이르기까지 자연과학과 인문학은 '동조동근'이었져...)

좀 황당한 질문 -_-
국내의대? 미국의대?


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