[re] 인도 Madhya Pradesh 주 리눅스를 쓸 것을 다짐 [인디아 타임즈]

2002-11-21 12:17
얼마전 빌 게이츠가 인도에 1억달러를 기부 한 것이 화제가 되었었죠. 그 이유에 대해선 순수한 자선활동이다 속셈이 있다등등 왈가 왈부 말도 참 많지만, 제 인도 친구는 인도에서 늘어나는 오픈소프트웨어 프로그래머들에 대한 두려움에 이를 막기 위한 MS 소프트웨어 지지 정책의 일환이었을 거라 하더군요.

아뭏든, 최근들어 이렇게 각국이 MS의 폐쇄형 소프트웨어를 포기하고 오픈소프트웨어인 리눅스 기반을 선택하는 것이 상당히 고무적입니다.

다음은 어제 날짜 인디아 타임즈에 실린 인도의 한 주가 전자정부와 전자학교를 위해 리눅스를 채택하고 지지 할 것이라는 기사입니다. Chief Minister가 직접 빌 게이츠에게 이 사실을 알렸다라는 것이 참 인상적이군요.


MP opens windows to Linux

BHOPAL: Madhya Pradesh has shut the door on Bill Gates. The state government schemes will use Linux software. Chief minister Digvijay Singh personally conveyed this to Microsoft boss Bill Gates during an interaction last week in New Delhi.

“For us it is not a question of Microsoft versus Linux. It is just a matter of choosing between a free software and a monopoly. We feel that when we are putting public information out in the open, then it should not be through a proprietary software,” Mr Singh told ET.

Nor is it merely a public vs private ideological battle. Germany and Latin American countries, particularly Peru and Brazil, have opted for Linux rather than proprietary software to bring down costs, which keep mounting with successive upgrades in the case of proprietary software.

Madhya Pradesh has two significant programmes that reach out to people in a big way: Gyandoot e-governance, which covers 26 out of 45 districts and won the Stockholm Challenge Award for 2000, and the Headstart programme for computer-enabled school education. For the Headstart programme, the state government is now committed to use Linux.

Microsoft chairman Bill Gates has shown an interest in Gyandoot.

According R Gopalakrishnan, state coordinator for the Rajiv Gandhi missions, the first phase of the Headstart did use Microsoft software, but the next will use Linux.

“This should set at rest any fears that we are anti-Microsoft as such. But we have opted for Linux in this phase, because of the cost factor, and the fact that it avoids costly upgrades and improved versions that are an inseparable element of Microsoft packages,” he said.

“It is a considered decision taken by us. We have noted that several governments in the west and other countries too have opted for the Linux software instead of Microsoft because of a host of considerations,” Mr Singh said.

  • 임호랑 ()

      좋은 기사군요. 수고하셨습니다.



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